Meet the candidates: Tamsin Omond

Tamsin Omond is standing as our Parliamentary Candidate for East Ham. Always smiling and ready for action, I caught up with her to find out about her love of Newham and why residents should vote for her.


All about Tamsin…

What is your name and where do you come from?

My name is Tamsin Omond and I grew up in Kilburn – in North West London.

Why did you decide to join the Green Party?

I joined the day after the 2010 General Election, the best moment of which was watching Caroline Lucas win Brighton Pavilion and become the UK’s first Green MP. Before I joined the Greens I had spent my life campaigning against the symptoms of the system we live within – against inequality, against climate changing infrastructure, against government policy.  I joined the Green Party because we say yes – because we have a long term vision that we are working towards that is a true alternative to the way the world works today – that shows us a road map to a society where the rights of all people and the planet that we share are balanced and respected.

What is the best thing about living in East Ham?

The people! From the campaign to replace London City Airport (a community initiative that I work with – and that brought me to the Borough) to a campaign that is just beginning that demands 100% social housing to replace West Ham stadium – the people in Newham want to organise and fight against elites to protect their communities. It is inspiring especially when you remember that the all-Labour council will court international developers rather than support East Ham communities: the electorate. Examples like the Focus E15 mums who were evicted but fought against their eviction and won, and continue to fight for others at risk of losing a home – we’re a borough full of people who support each other and fight and win and continue to fight against all odds.

What 3 facts might people not know about you?

  1. I speak fluent Italian (not very useful).
  2. I am a fair weather and a foul weather cyclist.
  3. When I left university I spent a year working in a church because I thought I wanted to become a priest!

 Voting Green in East Ham

Why should East Ham residents vote for you?

Screen Shot 2015-03-24 at 07.54.22Because we need MPs who work hard for the communities they serve rather than yes men who dish out Tory-lite cuts that will hurt so many people living in Newham – one of the youngest and poorest (and most polluted) of London’s borough. Because we need an NHS that is a public service, we need air that is safe for our children to breathe and we need to fight against (not court) the 1% who – with London City Airport’s expansion and West Ham’s 96% private housing development – are looting Newham. We also need an MP who believes that all people are equal and should have equal rights – which sadly, with Stephen Timms’s voting record on LGBT equality policy – is not currently the case.

What do you think are the important issues for East Ham?

Housing and 1% developments – in particular, London City airport and West Ham stadium. I would not allow LCA to expand and would invite proposers from investors who desire to replace the airport with housing and other much needed developments. I would require Galliards to build 100% social housing at West Ham stadium.

Air quality – I would campaign for investment in pedestrian and cycling infrastructure and for the introduction of more hybrid buses in East Ham. I would campaign against the Silvertown tunnel and for greater public transport provision for the Royal Docks.

 For people who are reluctant to vote, for whatever reason, why should they take part in the General Election?

The only people who benefit from you not voting are the elite. The 1% pay lobbyists millions of pounds to make sure their interests are heard in Parliament. This General Election is your opportunity to make sure your voice is heard too.

Just for fun

Summer or winter?


Early bird or night owl?

Both, but not during the same 24 hours.

Tea or coffee?


Dogs or cats?


Vanilla or chocolate?


Tamsin is pumped and ready to spread the word about the alternative vote that is Green in Newham. We wish her the best of luck in the coming weeks! Do leave any additional questions for Tamsin in the comment box and she will get back to you shortly.

Tamsin campaigning alongside Baroness Jenny Jones AM for cleaner air in London
Tamsin campaigning alongside Baroness Jenny Jones AM for cleaner air in London

3 thoughts on “Meet the candidates: Tamsin Omond”

  1. I have never met anyone quite like Tamsin. Relentlessly positive and uses her limitless energy to drive change and make peoples lives better. I would rather have one of her in my corner than 60 Newham Labour MP’s. Everyone claims that they will make a difference, I can guarantee Tamsin actually will.


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